When the value is set to true the expander visual will be visible even if
the item do no have children. When the expander visual is clicked, the LoadOnDemand event is raised and you can populate the node.如果IsLoadOnDemandEnabled = true;则该节点的expander是可见的(也就是那个具有子节点标记的icon),即使它没有子节点。
If the LoadOnDemand event is raised and there are no items to add, use IsLoadingOnDemand property and set it to false to stop the loading animation.
如果item产生了LoadOnDemand事件(比如:双击了Item),该节点下没有子节点,设置IsLoadingOnDemand = false;停止"加载动画"(就是那个你双击或单击了RadTreeViewItem后那个在节点左边转的圈圈).
在设置RadTreeViewIte.IsLoadOnDemandEnabled = true; RadTreeViewItem.IsLoadingOnDemand = false;
posted on 2013-12-02 17:39 阅读( ...) 评论( ...)